Environment - ALTEN Group

Reducing the environmental footprint of the ALTEN group

At ALTEN, we actively participate in a collective effort and encourage all our subsidiaries to have a proactive environmental approach based on recognized standards and references. The Group focuses its actions on two main elements: reducing greenhouse gas emissions and responsibly managing natural resources. Since 2019, ALTEN, as signatory of the Syntec-Engineering climate charter, has committed to comply with strict standards and adopt proactive measures for a greener future. 

Our environmental approach goes beyond regulatory requirements. It is at the heart of our corporate culture and our sustainable development strategy. 

Réducing our greenhouse gas emissions

ALTEN is determined to reduce its carbon footprint, setting ambitious objectives for 2030 and 2050. These objectives were validated by the Science-Based Targets initiative in 2023 and align with the Paris Agreement, reinforcing our commitment to a sustainable future. 

Short-term objectives: reductions by 2030

To structure our approach, ALTEN has also set short-term objectives. By 2030, we commit to reducing our scope 1 and 2 emissions by 59.8% in absolute terms. At the same time, we aim to reduce emissions related to business travel, commuting and the purchase of products and services by 55.8% in intensity. These measures reflect our proactive approach to minimizing the environmental impact of our activities around the world and promoting sustainable practices in our daily operations. 

Long-term goals: zero net emissions by 2050

In 2023, ALTEN had its goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 validated by the SBTi. This zero net emissions target reflects our desire to actively contribute to the fight against climate change and aim for best practices in the transition to a low-carbon economy. 

To reduce its emissions, the Group has a 4-pronged action plan: 

Renewable energies

In 2023, we reached a consumption of 12,527 mwh of renewable energies. 50% of our entities are ISO 14001 certified. 

  • Charging points: 180 charging points for electric vehicles at 12 sites in France, and similar initiatives in other countries. 
  • Alternatives to car: partnership in favor of carpooling, showers and changing rooms in sites, self-service bike stations, car2go app in Germany, and partnerships in Italy to promote car sharing and public transport. 

Responsible sourcing

We ensure that we have a supply chain aligned with our commitments and raise awareness among our suppliers of the need to transform to meet environmental challenges. The responsible purchasing approach in France has been evaluated at level 3 of the ISO 20400 AFNOR label. 

ALTEN continues to strengthen its commitments to the environment, adopting sustainable practices and raising awareness among its employees about climate change and environmental protection. Our ambition to control and sustainably reduce our environmental footprint is at the heart of our strategy.