Sustainable innovation

Sustainable innovation

Transforming environmental challenges into innovation opportunities

Sustainable innovation is at the heart of our strategy, aimed at meeting the challenges that companies and society face today. At ALTEN, we contribute to addressing these issues and take up the challenges of sustainability, with 31% of ALTEN’s R&D dedicated to sustainable innovation. 

Innovate for environment

ALTEN develops innovative solutions to preserve biodiversity. The “AIπGen” project anticipates environmental impacts on health, and in collaboration with STMicroelectronics and Schneider Electric, we innovate to reduce the impact of wind turbines on wildlife. In the UK, ALTEN is looking to develop a tool based on machine learning to analyze satellite images and identify oil palm plantations. 

Decarbonize transports

ALTEN actively contributes to the transition towards intelligent and sustainable transport, tackling the challenges of digitalization and multimodality in the goods, passenger and air transport sectors. 

Innovate for Human

Improve sports performance

ALTEN’s Sports Science team is dedicated to optimizing the strategies of high-level athletes, while developing equipment and systems specially adapted to each discipline. We rely on physical data from competitions, as well as on the biomechanics and physiology of athletes. With a team of experienced engineers, ALTEN is able to support the greatest athletes using innovative technologies explored in our ALTEN Labs.