Lunar Breakthrough

Lunar Breakthrough

Credit © CNES 

For over 15 years, ALTEN has been working alongside the French Astrophysics and Planetology Research Institute (IRAP) to expand the boundaries of our knowledge of the cosmos and open new avenues for space exploration. Under the auspices of the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Toulouse III University, the IRAP conducts cutting-edge research into the mysteries of the universe.

Credit © CNES 

ALTEN’s first collaboration with the IRAP was on the design of PILOT, a stratospheric balloon with pioneering objectives. Designed to help studying the origins of the universe, PILOT aimed at measuring tiny, polarized emissions from interstellar dust. This enabled scientists to map the magnetic fields in the clouds of the Milky Way and study their role in star formation.   

More recently, ALTEN and the IRAP worked together to construct DORN, an alpha spectrometer for China’s Chang’e 6 space mission. This innovative project has relied heavily on ALTEN’s expertise in electronics and scientific instrument assembly. Named after the physicist Friedrich Dorn who discovered radon-222, DORN (Detection of Outgassing RadoN) used alpha spectrometry to measure, for the first time, the quantity of radon escaping from the lunar soil. This contributed to understanding what governs the concentration of this noble gas on the Moon’s surface. 

Jérémy Guillermand, an ALTEN engineer with expertise in electronics and embedded software development, was part of the team working on the DORN project. Measuring radon outgassing on the lunar surface is crucial for better understanding of the geological and environmental processes of our own moon,” he explains. 

At IRAP, Jérémy was integrated into a dynamic group of collaborators specialized in electronic and mechanical engineering. “I developed all the flight code in VHDL, a complex but exciting task. This experience put me right at the heart of systems and software development, which is a very important part of my professional life. I benefited from the support of highly experienced ALTEN colleagues.” 

“We know that ALTEN’s background, and their understanding of our challenges and how we operate, means successful collaboration,” says Laurence Lavergne, Technical Director at the IRAP. “This ambitious project was developed in record time – just three years. This is largely thanks to ALTEN’s expertise in digital and analogue electronics, as well as in assembly, integration, testing and validation.” 

Together, IRAP and ALTEN are breaking the ground for exciting discoveries in the infinite universe that surrounds us. “We look forward to continuing our extremely satisfying partnership with ALTEN,” concludes Laurence Lavergne. “I am sure that our innovative projects will have a significant impact on the future of space exploration.”