Rail & Mobility

Rail & Mobility


Pioneering excellence in the rail sector

In the fast-evolving world of rail transport, staying ahead of the curve requires a blend of innovation, expertise, and strategic insight. Marcel Klehr, Managing Director at ALTEN in Germany, discusses the challenges faced by the industry, the role of ALTEN in addressing these challenges, and how the Group stands out as the preferred partner for businesses in the rail sector. 


With over 1,200 engineers globally committed to the rail industry, ALTEN engages in extensive strategic projects that feature substantial engineering elements across various areas of expertise, including rolling stock, signaling, infrastructure, and services & IT. 

ALTEN, an expert in the railway sector 

104M €

2023 turnover




domains of expertise: Rolling-stock, Signalling, Infrastructure, Services & IT


ISO 9001, ISO14001, ISO 27001, ISO 45001

Our experts

“We design the train at all stages and from all points of view: the interior, the exterior, all the cabling and mechanical installations.”

Natalia Garcia, Coach Business Manager, Transport Division – ALTEN in Spain

“We work with the Train Control and ATP Integration Department, both domestically and internationally, verifying and validating train control and management systems.”

Martin Krawyciński-Schneider, Senior Project Leader – ALTEN in Germany

Our publications