Space: the State of Play

Space: the State of Play


As a partner to leading names in aerospace, ALTEN is active along the complete value chain of the space sector. With more than 25 years in key environments – such as space electronics, and assembly, integration and testing (AIT) – ALTEN is a multi-specialist in mechanics and embedded systems.

What is the current state of play in the aerospace industry and ALTEN’s role in it?

Aerospace is a dynamic industry in which the private sector is becoming increasingly involved. The strong development of new private players combined with innovations in launch technologies, data processing, cost reductions, and international collaborations are enabling more players to participate in space exploration and satellite deployment. This in turn is fostering a more inclusive global space community.  

ALTEN has technical expertise in structure, thermal, flight mechanics, space electronics, systems engineering and on-board software, among others. Thanks to this expertise and to its historical presence in the space industry, ALTEN is present throughout the life cycle of satellites and launchers – from design to manufacture and operation. Our integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms further accelerates problem-solving capabilities and enhances the precision of space missions. 

Can you name some of the specific challenges and opportunities?

The rapid evolution of satellite technology, including miniaturization, improved communication capabilities, and enhanced Earth observation sensors, is revolutionizing the way we use space. These advancements are expanding applications in telecommunications, climate monitoring, navigation, and beyond, driving new opportunities across various industries.  

At the same time, there’s a renewed interest in space exploration, underscored by missions to the Moon, Mars, and asteroids. Additionally, the commercialization of space, with ventures like space tourism, lunar exploration, and even asteroid mining, is becoming increasingly viable, opening up new frontiers for economic development.  

Governments and private investors are ramping up investments in space infrastructure, including launch facilities, spaceports, and satellite constellations. This investment not only supports the growing demand for space-based services, but it also underpins the strategic importance of space for national security, global communications, and technological leadership.  

Is it true that the industry is struggling to cope with a talent shortage. How do you explain this? 

Generally, today’s market has a shortage of engineers. In addition, aerospace jobs have evolved in recent years, with a demand for new skills in things like data science, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. The need for skilled labor has increased and engineering jobs have never been so important. This has created a strong push to attract the best talent.  

ALTEN has a major role to play in supporting our customers’ innovation efforts around the world. For example, we are involved in various development projects to meet the challenges of more flexible and competitive launchers, as well as in the deployment of tools enabling our customers to make the best use of the various satellite communication facilities. Today, nearly 750 ALTEN engineers work for the aerospace industry in more than ten countries. Our added value lies in our ability to deploy customized support, particularly through nearshore and offshore activities and work-package offerings. This responds to a threefold objective: to meet our customers’ demand for ALTEN’s geographic presence in the countries where they themselves are located; to generate competitive gains; and to build a resource of engineers working remotely in our Delivery Centers. We are truly the home of the engineer.   

How is the sector pursuing its sustainability and environmental commitments? 

Environmental pressure has never been greater, increasing the need to innovate, ensure total safety, and invest in research and development to meet our global commitments. In the space sector, with the increasing congestion in Earth’s orbit, there is a growing focus on the development of technologies and regulations aimed at reducing space debris, promoting safe satellite de-orbiting practices, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of space activities.  

All these elements bolster our optimism for the future. ALTEN is mobilized to enable our customers to meet their challenges.