Sport & Innovation - Stamina and Big Data

Sport & Innovation – Stamina and Big Data

Simon Azoulay

Chairman and CEO – ALTEN

The fundamentals of ALTEN’s culture are shared by all our employees: personal and professional development, excellence, and the pursuit of sustainable growth through environmental responsibility in all our activities.
This Alt. #3 magazine testifies to the relevance of sports science in our pursuit of excellence. Sports are an inexhaustible source of challenges as well as an ideal vector for technological and scientific innovation. The perseverance of the athlete reflects that of our engineers and industrial partners.
Minute, almost imperceptible details distinguish good athletes from great champions. These details offer daily challenges as we work, with great enthusiasm, to heighten performance. 

As an innovation partner for our customers, we continually strive to be one step ahead. This is possible thanks to our extensive partnerships in research and our own in-house research laboratories. Initiated in 2016, the ALTEN Labs were designed to give our employees, regardless of their experience, a means of testing innovative and promising technologies. In 2019, ALTEN’s research laboratories were grouped together within the Innovation Department. To date, 11 ALTEN Labs have been created – in France and internationally – offering our customers value propositions that combine engineering and digital know-how with business services.

As world leader in Engineering and IT Services, ALTEN is proud to be able to open up new technological horizons and help build tomorrow’s world today. On a daily basis, the innovations that emerge enable us to meet our customers’ transformation challenges. In doing so, we value the contribution of industrial partnerships and shared digital platforms. This know-how is vital in contributing to advances in Sports Science, as is clear throughout this magazine. It allows athletes, their coaches and their trainers to go a step further in achieving the critical difference that makes champions.

Innovation is more than a word at ALTEN – it is an integral component of our DNA. My sincere thanks go out to all our partners and collaborators for their dedication to our common mission: to push back the frontiers of the possible through engineering and sports, while encouraging sustainable innovation and sharing our passions. With Alt. #3, we invite you to explore the intricacies of this exciting venture as we demonstrate, through sports, that innovation is the name of the game. 

Magazine Alt. #3

ALTEN is committed to exploring the edge of what’s possible, merging sports science and cutting-edge technology to boost personal and professional growth.
Our new magazine showcases this synergy— how athletes’ perseverance and our engineers and partners’ dedication come together.